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Michael Cohen: ‘I’ll Have to Leave Country If Trump Wins’

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, fears that he will have to leave the United States and change his identity if the former president wins the 2024 election.

During an interview on MSNBC‘s Deadline, Cohen told host Nicolle Wallace he has “no choice” but to prepare for the worst.

“What do you think happens to you if he wins?” asked Wallace.

“I’m out of here. I’m already working on a foreign passport with a completely different name,” Cohen admitted.

“I don’t know how it is going to work as far as dealing with my wife and my children. I certainly don’t want them moving to where I’m looking to go.”

“I don’t think you or the president of the MSNBC, General Milley, Liz Cheney are safe,” he added.

“How many people has he turned around and said that these are people that I intend to go after if I have the ability to?

“And the worst is the Supreme Court’s recent decision that gave him immunity, presidential immunity. Now he thinks it is not only can I do whatever I want, but I can’t even be prosecuted to get out of jail free card.”

Wallace then pressed, “So you’re out of here? Would you leave the country?”

“I have no choice,” Wallace responded.


Cohen also claimed that Donald Trump was planning to assassinate his political enemies if he returned to the White House.

“So they think that they are going to hitch themselves to his wagon in hopes that they are going to elevate themselves whether it is in power, through money, through connections and so forth, it does not work that way,” Cohen said.

Cohen also echoed other media talking heads who warned that a Trump presidency would see them all in jail.

“He will not allow that and just like Putin, once you start to get too big for your own britches, people will start flying out of windows, they will end up in gulags,” he said.

“As Donald says all the time, send them to Gitmo, send them to Guantanamo Bay.”

“And I know that sounds hyperbolic, but I know him so well, I know what’s on his mind, and I know what he intends to do.”

“He’s looking to scare the piss out of everyone…The way that Kim Jong-un runs North Korea, he wants to run the United States of America that way.”

READ: AOC: Trump Will ‘Throw Me in Jail’ If He Wins

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