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The Democrats Clearly Don’t Get Men

The Democrats don’t get men. They don’t get masculinity. They don’t get fatherhood. 

Yet, they seem to understand that we’re a missing component for winning elections suddenly. During the DNC, this was made very evident by the fact that both MSNBC and CNN felt the need to address the lack of masculinity there, attempting to point to the fact that the Democrat Party has redefined masculinity and that it’s making men more comfortable being feminine. 


(READ: MSNBC’s Joy Reid Was Forced to Defend the Left’s ‘Masculinity’ to Excuse the DNC’s Lack of It)

Yet, men aren’t buying it. So they tried a different approach. They tried to make a “masculine” ad utilizing the “White Dude’s for Harris” movement. If you haven’t seen the ad, you can watch it below, and you’ll probably be able to point out the problems with it before I even go in on it. 

This ad starts off with a massive mistake. It starts with “hey white dudes.” 

Firstly, if they think the issue is white men, then I’ve got sour news for them. It’s not white men, it’s just men in general that have a problem with the Democrat Party. As I’ve repeated to the point of being blue in the face, the left has been attacking men for years just simply for being men. We’ve been painted as rapists in waiting, toxic, controlling, and evil. Even when we’re not doing anything but minding our own business, we’re the problem because we are inherently powered by the “patriarchy,” a nebulous mustache twisting villain that’s responsible for every societal ill you can think of. 


The ad addresses this by telling us white dudes are probably sick of hearing how awful we are online, but then quickly affirms that yes, there are some white dudes out there that are the problem. 

Even when it’s trying to say white men aren’t the problem, the left can’s stop itself, and just reinforces the fact that white men are indeed a problem. Not you! You’re cool, but white men are definitely an issue. It even proceeds by saying that Trump and his “MAGA buddies” are only reinforcing the idea that white men are an issue. 

This is insanely racist on two levels. For one, it affirms that white men’s reputation among the left of being problematic is deserved, but it also dismisses all the men in the Republican Party who are not white, and I don’t just mean the politicians. 

“All they’ve ever done is screw us over,” the ad continues. 

A brave thing to say, considering most men lean Republican and are voting Trump. Again, even when the left is trying to make men feel like they can safely come over to their side, it attacks them. 

The ad then devolves into a standard political ad, where it praises Kamala Harris and Tim Walz as the people who actually respect the country and have a plan. 

I don’t want to sound like a Karen here, but this is ad is offensive. It’s offensive in that it displays a clear contempt for white men, while trying to sell them on people who hate them. Even the voice actor (who sounds like an AI voice I’ve heard before) is trying to pull off a sub-Boston tough guy accent that just comes off as disingenuous. 


So how would someone sell something to men? How do you speak to them? 

You don’t, not like this at least. 

Let me show you a political ad that actually does resonate with me. Here is President Trump’s ad he posted to his X account on August 12. It’s short, it’s simple, but hot damn does it get the blood pumping. 

Let me make it clear before I continue. My judgement on this ad isn’t based on my bias toward Trump. Looking at this objectively, this is a far more appealing ad for men for some very simple reasons. 

For one, it’s not trying to appeal to my identity. Masculine men aren’t concerned with their identity like the left is. We’re secure in it. We don’t need it to be pandered to. That’s a huge mistake the White Dudes for Harris make with theirs. It’s too identity-focused. 

Secondly, the ad is the profession of a goal. You hear a lot of “we will” in the ad, signifying the will and call to action. That stated goal is a call to bringing order to the chaos and bringing about prosperity through the action. It defines the enemy clearly, stating “we will” drive them out. 

“We will liberate America from these villains” 

The speech Trump is giving sounds almost like a call to arms, to defend your homes and defeat the enemies at the gates. He says this all as, visually, Trump is seen walking down a hallway, his gaze not breaking from the camera. Everything about it rings of a leader marching toward the head of an army to lead it into battle. 


This ad screams masculinity, and it doesn’t address masculinity once during the entire thing. 

Watching these two ads, it’s pretty clear who gets men more. It’s definitely not the Democrats. 

If they stopped attacking and hating men so much, they’d be able to figure that out, but the White Dudes for Harris ad is a clear indicator that there is still a strong contempt for men on the left. 

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