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Will CNN vilify Bill Clinton for mispronouncing ‘Kamala’ the way it did Nancy Mace?

Democrats and left-wingers throughout the country have insinuated that anyone who mispronounces the first name of Vice President Kamala Harris is engaging in racial bigotry, systemic racism, or white supremacy. It’s hard to figure out which one exactly because Democrats keep changing the prerequisites of their performative outrage and hyperbolic hysteria associated with each. Nevertheless, one thing remains certain: mispronouncing “Kamala” is a no-no. Just ask Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who was vilified for her mispronunciation of “Kamala” during a panel discussion on CNN last week. 

That is, however, unless you are a former president of the United States who spoke at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night. This is precisely what former President Bill Clinton did. Yet, a funny thing happened when Clinton mispronounced “Kamala”: There was absolute silence from Democrats. There was no fire or brimstone or lightning strikes from the heavens. There was a conspicuous silence and a lack of outrage from the Left. It raises the question, of course, will any left-wing media call Clinton a racist for mispronouncing “Kamala”? 

“Clearly, there are two sets of rules at play,” Mace told me on Wednesday night.

But what, pray tell, could be the reason for this silence and these inconsistencies? After all, left-wing media seemed to establish a precedent last week with Mace. The congresswoman was vilified, condemned, practically given a scarlet letter, again, for her sin, and essentially told by professor Michael Eric Dyson, a fellow panelist, that she was a borderline racist. 

“But when you disrespect Kamala Harris by saying you will call her whatever you want, I know you don’t intend it to be that way. That’s the history and legacy of white disregard for the humanity of black people,” Dyson said after Mace’s mispronunciation.

As the discussion continued, Dyson proceeded to tell Mace what white women could and could not say or do in society regarding black women.

“White women don’t have the ability to tell black women, who paid the price of blood to make this country what it is, to tell them they’re not real women,” Dyson said.

In addition to this comment making absolutely no sense, it’s also racist and bigoted in its own right. It’s indicative of the toxic racial hypocrisy that makes up the core tenets of Democratic political values. As such, Dyson, a black man, felt empowered to make racist comments to Mace, a white woman. Only left-wing political commentators could try to bully a white woman and accuse her of being racist while simultaneously making racist and bigoted comments of his own toward Mace. 

This brings us back to Clinton’s pronunciation of “Kamala” at the DNC. Perusing Dyson’s social media accounts will show a lack of commentary or opinion around Clinton’s mispronunciation. So, too, for many of the other pundits “outraged” over Mace’s mispronunciation. It’s almost as if there is one set of rules for Democrats who mispronounce “Kamala” and another set of rules for Republicans who do it. 

“There was an entire panel frothing at the mouth to jump over the table to correct me, but as hypocrisy is the hallmark of the Left, we fully expect they will stay silent and let Bill Clinton pronounce her name however he wants,” Mace said. 


Mace is correct, of course. And that is just one reason why it’s hard to take anything the Democrats say seriously about the pronunciation of “Kamala.” They have repeatedly shown they only care about her name being mispronounced when it is a Republican who does it. If this is not true, then all of them need to explain why so many Democrats mispronounced the vice president’s name at the DNC and no one rushed to scold or correct them — a phenomenon that wasn’t lost on Mace.

“They have ignored the same when Joe Biden, Sonia Sotomayor, Lil Jon, Cornell Belcher, and countless others mispronounced Kamala,” Mace said.

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