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Russia ‘World War III’ warning is code red for survivalists and preppers

Russia’s warning this week of “World War III” as it grapples with Ukrainian attacks deep into the country has survivalists and preppers on high alert for nuclear war spreading to the United States.

“It is a realistic threat, especially with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s reputation, rule, and predicament,” a just-issued warning to members of the national network of Fortitude Ranch members said.

On its “Collapse Survivor” app, it added, “THIS IS A REAL THREAT Likelihood of Battlefield Nuclear Weapons use by Russia in Europe is High, Escalation to Strategic Nuclear Exchange unlikely but possible.”

Fortitude Ranch founder Drew Miller told Secrets that the alert followed a report on Tuesday from Reuters quoting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warning about Western nations and the United States helping Ukrainian attacks on Russia.

“We are now confirming once again that playing with fire — and they are like small children playing with matches — is a very dangerous thing for grown-up uncles and aunts who are entrusted with nuclear weapons in one or another Western country,” Lavrov told reporters in Moscow.

“Americans unequivocally associate conversations about Third World War as something that, God forbid if it happens, will affect Europe exclusively,” Lavrov added.

He added that Russia is “clarifying” its nuclear doctrine.

Miller, a retired Air Force colonel who handled nuclear weapons issues with the Strategic Air Command and the U.S. Strategic Command, said the threat is serious and warned members to prepare for nuclear fallout after a strike in the U.S. He said his Harvard University doctoral dissertation dealt with battlefield nuclear warfighting. 

The warning he sent out detailed how Russia has perfected the use of battlefield nuclear weapons.

“Some analysts have been ridiculing Russia’s threats to use nuclear weapons as bluffs. Russia did threaten NATO to stop expansion towards their borders, and followed thru on these threats by seizing Crimea, and then invading Ukraine. Collapse Survivor intelligence analysts asses the Russian threat to use nuclear weapons against at least Ukraine as very serious and likely,” said the warning, which can be seen in this link.


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