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Israel Issues Grim Warning for Iran

In the wake of Israel’s recent attack on Hezbollah terrorists, the nation’s newest ambassador is issuing a grim warning for Iran amid escalating tensions. 

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, warned the UN that it needs to step in and take action to stop Hezbollah or the Jewish state would be forced to do something. He called on the UN and other Western democracies to put pressure on Iran in an effort to keep the terrorist-backed country from imposing its nuclear capabilities. 

The Security Council Resolution 1701 previously said there would be no military force in southern Lebanon other than the Lebanese military. However, in 2006, Hezbollah terrorists took control of the region with tens of thousands of rockets ready at hand. Danon said it is overdue that Israel deals with Iran, including Hamas terrorists in Gaza and the Houthis in Yemen. 

“We thought on April 14 when they sent hundreds of projectiles into Israel and their intentions. Imagine they had nuclear capabilities,” Danon told Fox News Digital. “We will not wait for that day. We will not allow them to achieve nuclear capabilities.”

Danon replaced Gilad Erdan, who believed the U.N. could not be fixed and that “the U.N. building in Jerusalem needs to be closed and erased from the face of the Earth.”


However, Danon argued that the U.N. can be saved but needs help from the United States. He advocates for the United States to take the lead in reforming the U.N. and promoting “security and peace and not becoming a platform for hate and incitement by radical countries.” 

“Let’s look at the facts,” he continued. “The facts are that the UN was not able to condemn October 7th. I cannot accept that. Not the Security Council, nor the General Assembly, not even a small show condemnation: Zero. Nothing. Silence. That’s unacceptable, and it showed the double standards of the U.N. when it comes to Israel.” 

On Sunday, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched an attack on Lebanon just moments before Hezbollah was prepared to aim thousands of rockets into the Jewish nation. Israel defended its strike on Hezbollah, calling it “preemptive” and said it removed a “wider threat.” The IDF announced that it had successfully defeated “most of the attacks” that Hezbollah had planned to carry out. 

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